Chicken vs Dogcow

August 15, 2006

Chicken vs Dogcow comic

A tribute to the Apple icon, Clarus the Dogcow. See her wikipedia entry.

The original ad on SBS buses:


from the Speak Good English Movement. Who can resist making fun of education initiatives?

Chicken vs Speak Good English comic

Chicken vs Cat

August 3, 2006

This is a pretty old article, but terribly amusing nonetheless: Clawless kitty chases bear up tree.

Who needs a guard dog when Jack the elderly suburban housecat is on duty?

This black bear clings to a backyard tree after it was chased by a New Jersey cat. (Suzanne Giovanetti/Associated Press)
The 10-year-old New Jersey tabby defended his neighbourhood turf earlier this week by chasing a wandering black bear up a tree — twice.

Chicken vs Cat comic